"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


stable, but not better.. who are we to choose our own fate?

"I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk; I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32.8)
Notice that God is that of a guide/teacher who show us the right path with counsel instead of force. Allow God to lead you, to know what to do with your life, how to make good decisions, and how to live life fully.
This just shows me that no matter how hard we try, we can not do things on our own; we need God's help in everything that we do. We can determine what we want out of life, but without God's help and guidance, we will never be able to accomplish our goals in life.

With everyone's prayers and thoughts, my mom has become stable within the ICU. Her breathing is getting a little better, but like the doctor explained it to me, one of the two flaps that helps you breathe and talk is not working so well so it makes it difficult for her to talk and breathe.  Other than that, the doctors are going to try to do intense chemo with her to reduce the size of the cancer that is within her.
Without yall's prayers, we could not get through this enduring journey. Hopefully it will all be over, and my mom will be better soon, but we just have to be strong and keep praying for my mom. She is a fighter and has been battling cancer for three years; she can get through this!!

Erika Watson

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