"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


It's a beautiful day..

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord." (Isaiah 55.8)
This message from God seems rather obvious, but we sometimes act as if we know God's ways and understand what makes him 'tick'. In the end, despite all the theology, sermons, and books, God still remains a mystery to us all. This is so very true; when we go to spread the word, we have to spread the word of God in FAITH.

Yesterday, for me, was a very blessed day.. Other than bringing Brittany to the Health Center for a bruised foot she now has from swap (LONG story but she now has to wear a boot on her right foot), nothing really too exciting went on, but that it was good.  I did, though, get an email from Ashley Nickle. She is the one kind of in charge of the camp that I do during the summer called Camp Rim Rock.  Well, to say the least, I was super excited to hear from her because I found at the dates that I am working camp next year and plus I GOT UNIT HEAD POSITION!! That was pretty much the deciding factor on if I was going to go back to camp.
The position of Unit Head is a pretty intense job. There are only 7 of them through out camp (one for every unit), and they are in charge of the unit, scheduling, and making sure that everything is going smoothly. I am so very blessed to have been asked back to camp with this position.
Happy Birthday Jordan!!
With yesterday, Brittany had me going to a Holocaust presentation with her. She had to go for extra credit, and I was the good friend to keep her busy. The story of this man who survived the Holocaust was very interesting, it was just that I could not hear a word that he was saying. Unfortunately because I was talking a LITTLE too loud, the man next to Brittany SHHHHH me! Now you know my love for talking.. ha! We then just went out to eat with Jordan and their camp friends who came into town for the weekend. Afterwards, Brittany and I had to go by John Newman's to pick up his tent that we were using this weekend for the grove; that was a lot of fun. We ended up staying for about an hour and a half talking to him and AJ Barrios.  Love them and we now have to hang out with them all the time.. just saying!! AFterwards, I just ended up spending the night at Brittany's apartment watching a movie. Let me inform you though, Brittany literally lives right upstairs from me in our apartment complex.
Oh, and by the way, ITS JORDAN LOFTUS' BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!! This just makes me even more excited about this football weekend with everyone.

For everyone who happens to come across this blog and reads it down to this point, I would love for yall to pray for my mom. Like I said earlier, she is starting her chemo today for I think the third or fourth time.  She is so weak, but yet so strong at the same time, and what we really need are the prayers of everyone.  I know that in the end, everything is going to work out for the better of my mom!!

Erika Watson


  1. Congrats! And I'll see you at the unit head meetings lovely :)
    Cully xx

    PS I told you I would stalk you online hahaha

  2. ahhh yes STALK AWAY!!
    and you got unit head too.. YES CONGRATS TO YOU TOO!!
    do you know who all got it??
