"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


Wonderful Homecoming Weekend

"Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars." (Psalms 148.3)
Whenever we look at the sky, we see reminders of Gods glory and infinite majesty especially in the night sky; For the lights in the sky seem to point to His glory. Allow God to help you to never lose your sense of wonder or awe at His Great works.

-This weekend went very well. It all started off with my friend's, Jordan, birthday. It was his 21st birthday Thursday and we all went our for a good time. That was a lot of fun because it has been awhile since our group of friends really hung out together. Also, his camp friends also came into town to celebrate his birthday. I can not believe how close I became with some of his friends! 
Even though I was having a good time both Thursday and Friday night, my happiness did come to a hold Saturday morning. I found out that my mom had to be rushed into the hospital. The top part of her heart was beating faster than the bottom of her heart and it was hindering her breathing pattern. Even though this was rough to hear, there was a good side to it all. The bronchitis that my mom has also been fighting was the one that was causing this to happen; not the cancer. But even through that, she is still battling through a lot, and all I can do for her is to pray.
But after I talked to my sister and found out that my mom was stable, I got up and met everyone in the Grove to go to the game. Just to inform everyone, a tent in the grove was the best idea to do. The game was a lot of fun with everyone, even though it was 35 degrees. Brittany and I ended up gong to Ajax after the game, and then headed back over to Blake, Jordan, Alex, and Bill's house afterwards.
Even though there was this big party going on over there, I had a lot of fun just hanging out upstairs in Jordan's room with his camp friends. It was sad to say goodbye to them, but everything has to end sometimes.
Went to church Sunday and just enjoyed a day of relaxation. Overall, I had a lovely weekend with my friends. I could not ask for better friends to depend on.

**I just want everyone to pray for my mom, as she is stable but still not doing well, and also I would like for you all to pray for my friend, Catherine Cannon's mom. I recently found out that her mom is also going through some heart problems as well**

Erika Watson

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