It was women who first believed in Jesus, yet no one believed them. We are called to be like them and to share the gospel. Do you know someone who could benefit from you sharing hope, faith, and charity?
-This reminds me of the saying we were all told when we were little; "Don't judge a book by it's cover". Whether it's something you are being told, or you telling someone else, the word of God needs to be shared with everyone no matter who they are. Everyone could use encouragement and a little faith, so the next time you see someone who is struggling in need of God, give them a simple prayer and knowledge about our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Joanna, Brittany, and I |
-Today, I went to visit my mom in the hospital. Each day she looks better, is feeling better, and is aware of everything more and more! The doctor is very positive with everything, and he said that once the chemo treatments get going, then she should be doing much better. They took her off her breathing tube this morning and she lasted for an hour breathing on her own.. BIG STEP!! And he also said that she soon will be eating soft foods instead of being fed through a tube. I love just going up there and talking to her, because she has such a positive attitude with everything, and she makes me laugh so much; her sense of humor is still there!! I just encourage everyone to keep praying because we still have a long road until she is 100% percent again.. I love her so so much, and I know that she will pull through this!!
-Also I found this song I found shows me that there is always someone who is there and loves us.. its God!! Listen to it..
-Erika Watson