This includes many bible verses with stories of how I try to live my life through Christ while going through the craziness we call life.
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)
"But you belong to God, my children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." - 1John 4.4
So throughout the past couple of months, I have learned that life is a pretty hard place -- It's not as soft as I thought it would be. Let's just say, it's been pretty easy until now. Being a live-in nanny you get the perks: you don't have to pay for rent, you have no bills, free food, and many others. Now, living on my own, life is hard especially when you want to keep up with your faith.. OKAY, OKAY I have an advantage with this one, I work at a Catholic school. But only 8hrs out of the day is spent there, and let's just say teaching is not like a walk in Vatican City.
I know that I am preaching to the choir when I say this, I mean look at me -- early 20's, low starting salary, still not able to cook for one, and every $20 that I happen to come across I find it more beneficial to spend it on a night out than towards student loans. I GET IT!! But still, in order for this thing we call life to work, there's one person we need to put before all, the Lord. Yes, I said the Lord, not your landlord. (I'm funny, right?--haha) Anyways, back to the topic of this hard life we are meant to get through. I'm not saying to spend that $20 on some nice tacos -- PLEASE, by all means, buy the taco. But while you are eating those $20 tacos, maybe spend 20 minutes praying. When you spend 45mins getting ready for that hot date, spend 45mins on the rosary. When you decide to stay out until 12am at that really nice bar with the really nice drinks and the very hot bartender, maybe you could at least make it to that 12pm mass that has the really funny priest and the nice lady that sits in the front pew.
I am not saying to change your life, but to improve it. We get dealt many negative cards throughout life -- too many to count. But sometimes, JUST SOMETIMES, a couple of our negative situations in life can turn out to be a very positive thing.
So GO on that date, GO out with your best friends, and GO spend $20 on a taco. Life has a lot of negatives to not do these positive things, but sometimes we need to remember where our positive situations come from in the first place. Bless the one who gives us those precious few things to be happy about!!