-Philippians 4.6-7
WOW, it's been awhile since I have been on here, BUT I'M BACK. This post will focus a lot on how, as humans, we need to let go and let God. This saying comes up in our everyday lives through situations and instances that we can not control. Of course, it is easier to think of this when your frustrated or something particularly doesn't go your way, but it's hard when a big situation arises and you don't always want to say "Let Go, Let God" because you want to fix it and control it now.
That's the problem with our society today. It's all about what's going to happen now, and have a future plan now, and knowing everything about every moment now. This is just my look on life, and you don't have to agree with everything I say, but it is all about the now BUT it's about living in the "now". It's not all about knowing what's going to happen every second of the day, just let go and let God. We read it in bible verse after bible verse "let go of your worries and suffering, and God will carry you through." Now I know that is not the exact words to any bible verse, but it can be summed up in various ways.
A lot of you may know, I have been through a lot of suffering the past couple of years. Believe me, its hard to let go and let God. I thought that I could control my emotions, control my feelings about certain things, and even control the exact way I 'think' I should live this life I have been given, BUT I CAN'T. Of course I have some say in the little things like how I'm going to perform on tests, or what my major will be, or even where I'll be living in a year (and yes those are the little things), but I have no control of how those exact steps are going to fall into place. That is where God comes in, and we have to let him intervene in our lives and help us out.
Today in mass, father talked about how the Lord is willing to help us as long as we ask. The verse Mark 10.51 says it all. "Jesus said, 'What do you want me to do for you?' and the blind man said to Him, 'I want to see'." Jesus gave sight to the blind, giving him the choice to live his life. The blind man chose the life of following Christ. Are we not all blind? Are we not all searching for sight of Christ's works? I believe that we should all take a moment and think about what is blinding us from Christ, and how we can ask for sight to better our faith in the Lord.
I know for me, there has been a lot of up's and down's going on, and I have been wanting to control them all, but I can't. I need to learn to ask for the sight of faith, that I can trust the Lord's judgement in his plan for my life. It might not be the most ideal, but I know it's the life I am suppose to live.
This song isn't a particularly christian song, but I do look at it as a song that is asking to be closer to God. It's this new group I found called The Paper Kites, and I love their music. Check out this song, Bloom:
-Erika Watson