"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


This is your LIFE, are you who you want to be?

"Jesus said, 'Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.' Peter replies, 'Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water.' So Jesus invites Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water toward Jesus. But when Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind and waves, he begins to sink. Peter cries out to the Lord, and Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches Peter. As they climb into the boat together, the storm ceases. Then the disciples worship Jesus, saying Truly you are the Son of God."

What are the wind and waves in your life keeping you from following Jesus? This passage is relevant to all of our lives, yet we don't follow it to the best of our abilities. The Lord is there for us and will do anything and everything to help us follow his path, but once we lose sight of the Lord's teachings, that is when we begin to sink in our sins and sorrows. Yet we can all be saved by the Lord if we just ask and pray.
Recently being retold this story a couple days ago at CCM, I have constantly tried to live up to this passage. I have been reviewing the obstacles in my life that are keeping me away from Christ, asking myself "What people are in my life for the betterment of me?" and "How can I change my ways for the betterment of Christ?". Growing up, I always felt the need to belong, just like every other human being; but does that mean having to please everyone in order to do so? Not everyone I meet in my lifetime are going to be my best friend, are going to want to hang out with me, or even like me, and that is what has been my biggest "wave" keeping me from Christ. People are meant to come in and out of our lives, whether they stay there or not is our decision.
Life is too short not
to jump and scream.
That was just one example of what I have been trying to change in order to keep my eyes on Christ. Also, Lent is coming up soon; a time to truly reflect on your own personal life. Jesus gave his life in order to save ours, what can we do to honor that act? I know the biggest question coming up the next few days is "What are you giving up for Lent?" It is always nice to give something up, but you can also do something good instead of giving up something. To give you an idea, I am going to babysit for free. Some couples with children just need time to themselves in order to build on their relationship, so why do they have to pay for that? There are so many things that one can do through this time of forty days and forty nights, but do we have to stop there? Why not keep the good deeds flowing through the next couple of months, years, maybe even lifetime. We have to get out there and at least try to follow Christ's teachings.
What I'm trying to say through all this is that we can no longer be selfish. In order to love yourself and love others, you have to have a strong and loving relationship with Christ first. God gave us the power and will to do whatever we want in this lifetime, why not follow Him in the process? I am.

Through everything you go through, Christ is always there with you, holding you oh so tight!!

Erika Watson