"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


The Road less TRAVELED..

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach." (Romans 12.6-7)

God has blessed us with many talents and instruments to use to the best of our abilities, but are we truly using them? This is an issue that I feel, as a student, I struggle with daily.
My amazing family:
Little brother Evinn, Me, Big sister
Erien, & Big brother EJ.
With the many pressures from family, peers, and social statuses, do we really know what we want to do for the rest of our lives? Luckily, I have not had too much of a problem with doing what I want to do. When I decided to be a teacher, my parents backed me up. When I decided to spend my whole summer working with kids in the middle of WV, my family supported me. And when I decided to go travel the UK twice, it didn't surprise my friends one bit. I have been truly blessed with a great support system, to figure out how to use my talents that Christ has given me.
I know that it is not that easy for others to do so. With the pressure from parents "strongly encouraging" them to graduate with this major, or with friends wanting them to be a completely different person. Who are they to say what kind of person you should become. Call me crazy, but I believe Christ gave us our own mind, body, and spirit to live the life we want to live through His name.
One of the amazing places I visited:
Big Ben
But stepping down from my soapbox, I just wanted to encourage all those reading this to do what you love. For the past couple of weeks, I went to go visit friends across England and Scotland. It had to be one of the best journeys I have ever done because it helped me to appreciate the meaning of friends. Even though I did travel to an amazing country, the best journey that I did make was to visit my family in California and Texas. Spending Christmas and time with them made me appreciate the value of my family and how blessed I am to have them. They support me in all that I do, that I can enjoy life and actually be me. I love teaching and helping children grow so why wouldn't I become a teacher? Traveling the world is my passion, so why not do it? Life is too short to worry about the if's, and's, and but's of life, so go out and live it.
I have learned through my many experiences from the past couple of years, that we do not know how long we are here on this earth, only God does. Life is too precious, so go do what makes you happy!!

-Erika Watson