"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4.9-10)


Why are we waiting for Tomorrow?

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118.24)

Day in and day out we think about what we are going to be doing tomorrow, the next day, in a month, or next year, and not even focussing on the moment of today. I know my last post was about cherishing those around you, but how are we suppose to do that if we are all so focused about the future instead of the present?
My beautiful mother!!
I know a lot of you know that I lost my mom a year ago to cancer. The anniversary of her passing was actually Monday, and believe it was not the best of days. I kept thinking about how life would be if she was still here, and if there was anything at all that could have changed  her from leaving this Earth so soon. But then I realized, God has a plan for everything and everyone. "Something good must end, for something better to begin." I constantly think about the "what ifs" and what is going to happen next, instead of just living in the present. There is so much going on around me that I need to be thankful for right now, instead of focussing all of my attention on what is going to happen.
Like I said before, God has a plan for all of us. I know I don't always see it that way because I constantly stress about the future and what is going to happen to me, that sometimes I just need to stop and hand it over to God. That doesn't mean that we should stop trying all together and let Christ do it on his own, no. It means that we need to break those barriers of self sufficiency, and ask God for the help that he can give.
I know it's hard, because I struggle with it everyday, but we are put on this Earth to enjoy the greatness of "now" and "today"; not to stress out about what tomorrow has in store.
I want you to listen to this song and truly ask yourself, why am I waiting for tomorrow?

rest in peace mommy..

Erika Watson